Training Your Performance Dog

What Do You Really Want to Learn?
Today there are so many wonderful choices of dog sports to explore with our dogs. Most people start out with great enthusiasm, but they are soon disappointed because they are...
What Do You Really Want to Learn?
Today there are so many wonderful choices of dog sports to explore with our dogs. Most people start out with great enthusiasm, but they are soon disappointed because they are...

Successful Training Requires Attitude and Focus
In order to be successful in competition, your dog needs to have attitude and focus as well as a clear understanding of the work required. Attitude is seen in dogs...
Successful Training Requires Attitude and Focus
In order to be successful in competition, your dog needs to have attitude and focus as well as a clear understanding of the work required. Attitude is seen in dogs...

Urban Tracking
Most people think of tracking with their dog as being out in a field or fields and woods. There are two tracking events that use fields and woods. A TD...
Urban Tracking
Most people think of tracking with their dog as being out in a field or fields and woods. There are two tracking events that use fields and woods. A TD...

Focus, Attention, Engagement, Cooperation
Focus. Attention. Engagement. Cooperation. We hear these words all the time, but what does it all mean? How do we obtain it, and how do we keep it? In the...
Focus, Attention, Engagement, Cooperation
Focus. Attention. Engagement. Cooperation. We hear these words all the time, but what does it all mean? How do we obtain it, and how do we keep it? In the...

Agility Course Test – Standard 1 and 2 and Jum...
In addition to the ACT 1 Standard and ACT 2 Standard levels, AKC has added 2 additional levels: ACT 1 Jumpers and ACT 2 Jumpers. All the ACT events are...
Agility Course Test – Standard 1 and 2 and Jum...
In addition to the ACT 1 Standard and ACT 2 Standard levels, AKC has added 2 additional levels: ACT 1 Jumpers and ACT 2 Jumpers. All the ACT events are...

Tracking – Building Confidence and Desire
Successful tracking comes from the dog wanting to follow the scent you have indicated to him. In this case, the scent of the “start article.” You must motivate him to...
Tracking – Building Confidence and Desire
Successful tracking comes from the dog wanting to follow the scent you have indicated to him. In this case, the scent of the “start article.” You must motivate him to...