Only two months left in this year! How is that even possible? I hope you all had a lovely summer and autumn and are ready to snuggle up with your pups during the dark winter nights. That being said, it’s a great time to start thinking about your hopes and dreams for 2025. What would you like to do or see? What do you want to do with your free time, or how are you going to create it if you don’t have enough. As I’m writing this month’s column, I’m in the throes of Covid so instead of taking your questions I’m going to share a very silly reading I’ve recently done.
A woman called about her dog that had recently passed and then one that was only three years old. The pup in heaven was an absolute sweetheart and her heart dog. He was so gentle and would happily sleep until it was time for a walk or to go outside, had zero bad behaviors and said that he passed without her beside him because he loved her as much as she loved him, and he never could have left even though it was his time. Beautiful, right?
Her remaining dog, however, was quite a character! I love it when they show me who they would be if they were a human, and he saw himself as a mix of Vincent Price and the awkward actor who plays a smarmy, uncomfortable gay man with a pencil thin mustache. I’m sorry I can’t even name a movie that he was in, but I blame covid. Anyway, the dog said he takes himself very seriously and said he was very classy, mysterious, and quite an amazing specimen. She asked if that’s so true why does he eat his own poop?! The dog gave me a side eye and whispered (in my head but it came across as if I was watching him in a movie scene), “Those are not Belgian chocolates?” I burst out laughing and told him nope, that’s clearly poop. He slowly looked away from me and muttered under his breath. Yes, I’m aware this was a phone reading, but the dog literally looked like the man he identified as, and it was all very ridiculous.
I asked him what he’d like as a little gift for deciding to avoid those “chocolates” in the future, and he instantly perked up and said he wanted a fancy outfit. Now, his version of fancy and mine are different. He told the owner to go get a really nice, crisp white button down, first starch and then cut off the collar and the cuffs, embellish with some black material to make the white pop and put it on him. The image he showed me was of Patrick Swayze and Chris Farley doing the exotic dancer skit on Saturday Night Live. We were laughing so hard, and I “saw” the dog giving her an expectant look. Before I could tell her, she said he was staring at her so intently that she promised to make him fancy. Honestly, I’m not creative enough to make this stuff up…
Before we hung up, he said he likes carrots, sliced into thin sticks and the crunchier the better. He also requested mushy pieces of cheese, and as I’m typing, I now realize it was brie. Perfect for a highfalutin pup. Before I go, I want to share that being an animal communicator was never on my radar. I thought I’d be doing energy work on animals, but the first time I did, and I HEARD them in my head, I thought I’d lost my marbles. It didn’t turn off and only got clearer as I went along. I also thought that dressing dogs up had to be embarrassing for them, but I have learned that SO many of your pups love wearing clothes, bandanas, bracelets, and sometimes exotic dancer gear. Sigh. This has been the best career ever, and I look forward to helping you understand what your four-legged friends are really trying to tell you!
Enjoy November and feel free to follow Sara Moore on Facebook at Sara Moore Enlightened Horizons. She offers workshops, gallery style events, private parties, and phone and in-person sessions. FMI go to