By Sara Moore | Jun 01, 2022
I don’t know about you but when I take my pup out, I’m a blackfly buffet this time of year, but I have hope knowing it will pass soon enough! I’ve been loving puttering in the flower beds, listening to the peepers and owls in the evening, and hanging on the patio with Syd, my 6-year-old chocolate Lab at my feet. I spend the rest of my time doing readings for you and your pets or food shopping for my 16-year-old son who is currently eating me out of house and home. Sigh. I love him and the dog dearly though, so it’s all worth it! I put out the call for your questions, and they flooded in within minutes. Enjoy!
Kaela M. asked about River, a Lab, and wanted to know if she’d become a service dog. Um, NO. She is way too self-centered and has no desire to waste her time on this unless EVERYONE is serious about it happening! That means if she’s in training, you can’t skip it or show up late. If she has homework, it needs to be done. She will not do this halfway. It’s all or nothing. Even answering this makes me grumpy because she hates when people have control over her outcomes. This makes me wonder if she’s mirroring you! Kaela also asked about Jazzi, a Labradoodle. “Is she happy?” Absolutely! She thinks that she is the queen, not the princess, and she gets what she wants when she wants it.
William E. asked about Callie, a black and white mixed breed. “Is she in a lot of pain with her hip issue and if Reiki would help.” A lot of pain, no. Some discomfort, yes. I also get that she may be milking this for all it’s worth! When I was three, I got a shot in my butt cheek and for a week limped around whining. That is, until my favorite cousin came over and asked if I wanted a horsey ride on her back. Of course I did, so I hopped on, bounced around laughing hysterically, and then got off and resumed holding my butt and limping. I am telling you this because that memory instantly popped into my head when I read your question. Would Reiki help? Yes. She loves it. Too funny! She could have simply asked for it- you don’t need to be injured to enjoy it!
Sylvia A. asked about Sukie, a black Lab/Golden Retriever mix who recently crossed over. She simply wanted to know if she had any messages to share. I want you to take a huge breath in and exhale. All the way. Then do it again. Then pay attention to your body and if it’s willing, release the breath. I don’t think it has yet, which is grief and frustration in equal measure. She wants you to know that you have her in heaven to rely on (her word) and she’s asking you to “let go and let God.” When I say God, I mean that in reference to your higher power. If you don’t have one, reach out to someone you love in Heaven who is an elder. She’s watching you intently and rooting for you!
Karen K. wants to know what caused Bitsy, her Pitbull mix to die. My heart hurts and is cramped. My left lung feels funky and cramped. I should add the disclaimer that I’m not a veterinarian and have zero training to diagnose or treat any medical ailments. I use my physical body to feel what they were feeling before they passed. She said it was faster than you realized, and she leaves with no regrets although she has quite the sense of humor and spells that “Regerts.”
Kathy C. asked if Maus, who is in heaven, is happy and if her passing was okay for her. Oh, I love this girl so much!!! She is trying desperately to reassure you that she’s absolutely fine on the other side, but you kind of want her to prove it. I smile as I say that because we all do in some way, but she is also telling you that you have so much more here to do before you get to join her. If you’ve been saying that it’s so hard to live without her please be mindful of your words and shift it to something like “I’m so blessed to have had her.” The universe is literal and oftentimes people accidentally manifest unintended outcomes!
Mary C. wants to know why Chief, her Pomeranian mix doesn’t like young people. The person after her asked why Tommy, her rescue Boxer is so nervous and fearful around little kids. The answer from both of them is hysterical and came out super-fast: Kids can see through their facade to who they really are and because they are so pure. Tell the dogs they may be able to, but they are so distracted by other things that they won’t judge him. Too funny!!!!
Thank you for your questions, and if you’d like a longer reading go to If you’d like to have a mini reading for Furry Words, like the Sara Moore Enlightened Horizons Facebook page and be ready to ask as soon as the call for questions goes out! Enjoy the start of summer and your four-legged friends.